Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”
- Matthew 9:37-38
Our Training Program,
The School of the Holy Spirit
Our School of the Holy Spirit is conducted once every year for 40 days in India. The purpose of this school is to forge the manifestation of both christian character and power in the students.
Students discover their gifts and callings and are taught and practically trained to use them in God's Kingdom. High emphasis is placed on life in the spirit, hearing and knowing God and praying in tongues. Students have their spiritual senses trained to operate correctly in the spiritual world.
Students experience breakthroughs in their lives and ministries after finding out their calling and effectively equipping themselves. The gifts of the Spirit and the Anointing fire are kindled and sustained by indepth teaching of the Word of God.
A deep love for God's Word is instilled in the students as they are taught to "rightly divide the Word of Truth". The gifts of the Spirit are taught in depth and immediately manifested, first by the teacher, then by the delegates themselves.
Believers are taught and trained to operate and manifest all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Many of our students were encouraged to accept their God-given mantle and launched out into their full-fledged potential after attending this program. Others have gone back into their job or business with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to transform their workplace into an extension of the Kingdom of God.
Our School of the Holy Spirit is the place for you to encounter God and be thrust into your divine destiny! If you desire to find out and operate in your gifts and callings, this course is tailor-made for you!
Since 2006, more than 300 students trained in our Schools of the Holy Spirit are mightly used by God in India.
Language: Course is in English, Telugu, Hindi
Teaching topics include:
Worship - Faith - Gifts of the Spirit - Ministry Gifts - Angelic Ministry - Divine Healing - Deliverance Ministry - Inner Healing - Curse Breaking - Soultie Breaking - Christian Ethics and Character - Power Evangelism - Effective Bible Study - Hearing God’s Voice - Spiritual and Physical Health - Family Life Breakthrough are just some of the many topics covered in this powerful, life-changing School of the Holy Spirit, Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit - Ministry Gifts - Authority of the Believer - Corporate Anointing - Angelic Ministry - New-Testament Spiritual Warfare - Faith and Holiness - Art of Praise and Worship - Excellence of Intercession - Evangelism.

Kirus, Odisha
I am Kshirodra Kumar Bag from Odisha, Balangir District.
I am happy to share my testimony briefly about on how I received the anointing of the holy spirit during the school of the holy spirit in Tanuku, Andhrapradesh.
I am a converted Christian belongs to Hindu background with 8 years of ascetic life of Alekh Mahima Dharma in Odisha. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour in personal life in the year of 2009 months of April 9th.
So I longed for God for 12 years in order to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit with having many prayers and fastings like once in a week, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days and had three times of 40 days in my Christian journey, but no such good result I found ever, and it made me broken, hopeless and driedness in my heart.
But we should not forget that God is good always for his people who honestly seek for him, as a result I visited a man of God Anil Nethela, the founder of Go and Preach Ministry in Andhrapradesh, he called me to be there in Tanuku, Andhrapradesh to refresh my spiritual life in January - February, 2020, and I came to know that he has the school of the holy spirit and every year he organises 40 days of school to receive the anointing of God' s spirit, releasing gifts of spirit for five fold ministry along with dreams and visions etc.
But the school was over that time when I was there in Tanuku so I had to wait one more year to join next school. And the gracious God opened a door for me to join in school of the Holy Spirit in 2021, in the month of January - February, as a result I received the anointing of the holy spirit when the man of God Anil Kumar Nethela lay his hand on my head on date 26/2/21 during Friday fasting prayer at evening 8:30-9:30 pm.
I never forget that moment in my life that God poured out his spirit with supernaturally, but the amazing things that before I received the anointing I had a dream in same day afternoon 2:30 pm 3:30 pm. The dream was somebody (An old lady) touched me by laying her hand as a result I fell down in spirit with peace.
However, after many years of my spiritual hungriness, God show his mercy by pouring out his spirit upon me to start a new journey in Christian life. Therefore, I am so happy for my life that I may able to walk with God in spirit.